Jackie•Planning In The Deep

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12 Genius Tips To Get Yourself Motivated To Clean Your Home Everyday.

Finding the motivation to clean everyday can be challenging and tiresome, especially when you have a busy everyday schedule that can consist of children, pets, work, school, school activities and sports. As a mom our plates are already overflowing to the point where we feel like we just can’t keep going. This alone can make the idea of cleaning your home everyday in itself that much more daunting. However, by taking it slow and avoiding burnout you can try implementing a few simple strategies that can make sticking to a daily cleaning schedule a manageable part of your day. And to be a hundred percent honest, it will not be easy at first but I promise you if you keep forcing yourself to do these daily tasks that eventually it will just click. The sense of accomplishment and just having a clean and more manageable home will not only make your life feel so much more put together but also your home life.

I suggest to people when they are trying to develop a system or any type of cleaning routine or schedule to use a paper planner or notebook to keep track of your tasks. I know for a fact this has helped me as well as millions of other women around the country get their lives more organized and back on track. I love my Erin Condren Life Planner but it can be pricy when you’re first discovering the amazing world of paper planning. Try to just start with a 5$ planner or even a simple notebook down to jot down tasks and notes. By writing down even the most repetitive tasks everyday this will help you with implementing this cleaning schedule into a cleaning routine that eventually you will just do without thinking. Get yourself a nice pen and some highlighters to check tasks off as they are completed. This is going to change your life.

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12 Genius Tips For Finding The Motivation To Clean Your Home Everyday.

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1. Set Small And Set Achievable Goals

Start with small tasks that are easy to accomplish. Instead of aiming to clean the entire house, focus on one room or even one part of a room at a time. This makes the task less overwhelming and provides a sense of accomplishment.

2. Create Daily and Weekly Cleaning Habits Depending On Your Home

Having a cleaning schedule daily can reduce the mental burden of deciding what to clean each day. Divide your tasks into rooms, This helps to establish a routine and will make cleaning everyday less of a chore and make it feel more manageable.

3. Use a Timer

Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and clean as much as you can within that timeframe. This technique, often referred to as the Pomodoro Technique, can make cleaning feel less overwhelming and more like a game. And if you don’t finish in the time frame.. move on to the next chore on your to do list

4. Reward Yourself For Your Progress You Have Made

Create a reward system for completing your cleaning tasks. It could be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee, going to Starbucks, binge watching your favorite show, or taking a relaxing bath after finishing your chores. Positive reinforcement can boost your motivation. So try it what do you have to lose.

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5. Make It Enjoyable

Combine cleaning with something you enjoy such as your favorite music, audiobook, or even a favorite podcast while you clean. This can make the time pass more quickly and make the activity more enjoyable. If you’re looking for a good audiobook you need to check out Mel Robbin’s The 5 second rule. This is the only habit forming book I’ve read that actually worked. And trust me I’ve read them all.

6. Visualize The End Results

Think about how satisfying it will be to have a clean and organized space. Visualization can be a powerful motivator. Picture the end result and how good it will feel to relax in a tidy home. You could even create a vision board so you have something to look at everyday that will help you keep going. The sky is the limit.

7. Start with a Clean Slate

Sometimes, a deep cleaning session can jumpstart your motivation. Spend a day thoroughly cleaning your home, so you start with a fresh, clean environment. Maintaining a clean space can feel easier once you’ve done the initial heavy lifting. The trick I found is to buy some nice smelling cleaning products and a new mop/bucket system or even a silicone toilet brush from Amazon. This is the best purchase I’ve ever made and it was like 10$ or less.

8. Break Tasks Into Smaller Tasks/Chunks

Instead of dedicating a large block of time to cleaning, break tasks it into smaller, more manageable chunks throughout the day. For instance, clean the kitchen after breakfast, tidy the living room in the afternoon, and clean the bathroom in the evening. By breaking down tasks it helps you manage your schedule better.

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9. Remind Yourself The Benefits Of Keeping A Tidy Home

Remind yourself of the benefits of a clean and tidy home, for example less stress, less chaos , a more inviting space for yourself and guests. Remember when mom is calmer so are the kids. I know myself if my home is upside-down my stress levels are through the roof. Your kids feel everything and internalize this. Keeping these benefits in mind can help you stay on track as well as motivated.

10. Declutter Regularly (This Is Super Important)

Clutter can make cleaning feel like a much larger task then it should be. Regularly declutter your areas within your home to reduce the amount of stuff you need to have to clean around. Start small like junk drawers and junk mail then work your way up. By keeping your home decluttered cleaning is much more easier and makes the daily cleaning quicker and less daunting. Lately I just throw things out, if no one in my home has touched it in over a year or two toss it. Also junk drawers, under sinks, cabinets and countertops and junk mail. Start small then work your way up to closets, attics, sheds and so on depending on what you have within your home.

Because In All Honesty, You Can’t Organize Clutter!

11. Stay Consistent Even When You Don’t Want To

Consistency is the key to success. The more you stick to your cleaning schedule, the easier it will become to maintain. By being consistent everyday even if your dreading it this builds habits, and over time, cleaning will become a natural part of your daily routine. Like second nature. Like I already mentioned, I struggled in my home for so many years. It wasn’t till I got serious and started staying consistent did everything fall into place. The one book that made me look at things from a different perspective was The 5 Second Rule By Mel Robbin’s. Out of all the self help books I’ve read, and I’ve read more then I can count, this is the only one that clicked with me.

12. Use A Paper Planner And/Or Notebook

Once I found the amazing world of paper planning and the benefits of using a planner everyday when you wake up this is when I finally got my home under control. I swear by writing down even the most repetitive tasks then crossing them off after you completed them will give you a huge sense of accomplishment. More over the motivation you need to keep going. I’ve been using a paper planner along with a bullet journal now since 2014. A year in I switched to The Erin Condren Life Planner and never looked back till this day. Planning is also a great outlet for creatives being you have the creativity piece as well as the habit forming piece.

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The Takeaway

By incorporating these strategies into creating your everyday cleaning routine, it will help you feel more at peace within your daily life. For me it was the difference I had saw in my motivation everyday I noticed starting to increase, most importantly, cleaning your home everyday will not seem like such a burden. This will help you to keep your home clean and organized without feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated.

But whatever you do just don’t get discouraged if you have a bad day or week. This will happen at first like it has to most of us, sticking to a schedule takes not only time but consistency, self discipline and re-programming. Remember, the goal is progress not perfection.

Don’t Forget To Check Out My Free Printable Planner Resource Library.

What did you think of this post. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below. Also, I would love if you shared some techniques that helped you in your journey to creating a daily cleaning routine and how you felt after you had it down. Until next time. Remember go at your own pace, not what the internet tells you you should be doing.

Love, Jackie

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