Planning In The Deep

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8 Ways To Create The Perfect Nightly Routine.

In my last post I talked about the importance of having a morning routine in place. However, the hours before you go to bed does set the tone for how the next morning will run.

What you do the hours before you go to bed can can make or break your morning routine. Moreover, the hours before you go to sleep can effect your entire mood the next morning along with the ability to wake up earlier the next morning.

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No one wants to wake up early to their home being in shambles. This will make you either want to pull the covers back over your head and/or crush your mood and productivity for the day. This is the reasoning behind why you should have a Nightly Routine in order to have a successful Morning Routine. Both of these go hand and hand.

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Not only does having a night time routine help to get yourself and your kids relaxed and ready for bed every night, it also creates discipline and consistency within your home. Let’s be honest, no one wants to wake up to a mess in the morning. I totally feel the struggle being I’m not a morning person. So waking up early in itself is tough, when I do wake up earlier and my home is a disaster from the day before, it makes it much more challenging.

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So in today’s post, I will be sharing some of the ways I created a nightly routine. Let’s get into it. Don’t forget to pin for future reference.

8 Simple Ways To Create A Nightly Routine

But before I begin, make sure to read my last post on 8 Simple Ways To Create The Perfect Morning Routine. You can read that post right here or after reading this post.

1• Plan Out Any Daily Tasks Or Activities The Night Before.

Having A Daily Plan or Daily Routine in place within your home will help you to keep up with the daily demands throughout the day. Doing certain tasks everyday makes your nights so much more relaxed instead of rushed. No matter how little or big the task is, regardless if it is a task I do everyday it gets written down in my Erin Condren Life Planner.

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2• Tidy Up High Traffic Areas Within Your Home Throughout The Day.

I try to do this a couple times a day, picking up high traffic areas of my home. By picking up toys, trash and dishes throughout the day will make your night much easier. Thus you will have a more relaxed morning when you wake up to a tidy home vs a home with stuff tossed throughout the floors of the home.

3• Do The Dishes As Needed Throughout The Day.

If you have a dishwasher then try to get yourself into the routine of loading it throughout the day. Then after loading the dinner dishes just run it. When you wake up, all you have to do is empty the clean dishes and repeat. It will make your life that much easier. And if you don’t have a dishwasher no worries, try to do the dishes multiple times a day. Trust me one day of meals in my home makes the dishes pile up like no other, if I am lazy that day and not on my game.

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4• Get You Kids On Board Also With A Bedtime Routine.

Depending on your children(s) ages, try to also get them into a bedtime routine. If they are smaller baths, teeth and a story before bed. If you have tweens or teens such as myself, this is quite a challenge, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Another great idea is creating a bedtime chart. You can also do this for the morning time as well.

5• Keep Your Planner Close By To Write Down Any Tasks, Activities Or Reminders.

Get into the habit of writing anything down important that comes to mind in your planner before bed. My planning preference is to plan first thing in the morning but sometimes things come to mind you need to write down before you have forgotten it all together.

6• Wash Your Face And Brush Your Teeth.

I’ve always neglected washing my face before bed for as long as I can remember and now that I’m 40, I need to be more mindful of washing my face every night regularly. . Unfortunately, I still break out like a teenager and found that the best face wash I’ve tried so far is Clear by Philosophy.

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Not only does it work super fast, it’s reasonably priced compared to others I have used in the past. The kit I purchased came with the clear gel cleanser, the clear acne moisturizer, the clear acne spot treatment and the clear nighttime pads. Not only did I see results the very first day, it didn’t dry out my skin. Lastly, shower if you do so at night and brush your teeth. You will feel so much more relaxed and ready for bed afterwards.

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7• Read A Book Or Listen To A Podcast.

Try to get yourself into a no screen habit nightly. Your phone and/or tablet screen can make it harder for you to fall asleep. So in place of scrolling social media try to read a book, plan or journal or listen to a audible book or podcast before bed.

8• Make Sure To Set Your Alarms Before Bed.

Whether it’s a traditional alarm clock or your phone alarm, make sure to have your alarms set and away from you every night. Having your alarm clock across the room makes it harder to hit snooze button.

If you are a heavy sleeper such as myself, you can search the app store or google store to find many free alarm clock apps for your phone. These alarms are so precise you will have to solve puzzles or have the loudest sound out there that is seriously impossible to sleep through. These apps are designed just for heavy sleepers. And they do work. The two iPhone apps I use and love are called rocket alarm clock and alarm clock.

If you would rather use a traditional alarm clock, which oftentimes I feel is more effective, try the Phillips Sleep Smart Wake Up Alarm Clock and the Ruggie Rug Alarm Clock. These alarm clocks are for all of us heavy sleepers. I use both together and it works amazing.

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Wrapping Up This Post…

Above I listed ways you can incorporate and tweak if need be ways to create a perfect nightly routine. Just as your Morning Routine is so important to your everyday productivity, your Nightly Routine is just as important if not more. You want to make sure your getting enough sleep at night so you can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

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Even if you struggle with keeping up with routines, habit forming or schedules, don’t give up.. you can do this. What do you think of the list of nightly routine ideas I just listed above?

Do you follow a Nightly Routine and if so what’s on your list… I would love you to share your thoughts and ideas with me. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Love, Jackie

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