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How To Keep A Cleaner And More Organized Home By Having A Daily Cleaning Routine.

Since starting paper planning back in 2014 and starting to create my blog in 2017, I’ve posted a lot about the importance of keeping a daily cleaning routine. Having a daily cleaning routine in place everyday will change the way your home looks overall. Trust me, I have struggled and still do struggle with staying motivated and keeping consistent. I found that even if I have to force myself to do these certain tasks everyday, this does help to not only make my home look tidier, also to lessen the stress and anxiety that comes along with a home that’s upside down. More importantly, it will lessen the amount of weekly cleaning you’ll have to do all at once.

If you struggle with creating routines, I have written two different blog posts. First one is The Best Way To Create The Perfect Morning Routine. Second one is The Best Way To Create The Perfect Nightly Routine. Both are linked within this paragraph if you are interested in reading them

This daily cleaning schedule I stick to is fairly simple and not time consuming at all. The best part about having a daily cleaning routine is your home will look more tidy and more put together on a daily basis. So you don’t have to worry about the occasional pop in and being in complete panic because your embarrassed by the condition of your home. I know that feeling all too well because I’ve been there more often then I’d like to admit.

Thats why I decided to share what my daily cleaning routine looks like along with explaining each task in detail so it makes it easier to implement each task on whoever is reading and make that task easier to understand. Make sure you read to the end of this post to get your free daily cleaning routine planner printable completely free. This printable will be your guide to keeping your home tidy on a daily basis. You will find this printable towards the end of this post.

Let’s get started.

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How To Keep A Cleaner And More Organized Home By Having A Daily Cleaning Routine.

• Make The Beds

Every morning after the home is awake, I go up and make all the beds. Making the beds takes basically minutes to do and very little effort.By making your beds this will make the bedrooms look more put together and will motivate you to do more.

• Tidy Up Bedrooms

I will do this room by room after making the beds. I will pick up and dirty clothes, hang or fold any clean clothes, pick up and trash and tidy up surfaces and other stuff lying around.

• Start A Load Of Laundry

After the first two tasks are finished, I will collect any dirty clothes, towels or bedding and take it downstairs to the laundry room. From there I decide what needs to be washed for that day. I will throw that load of laundry into the washer and start my daily load of laundry. Lastly I also like to check the bin that I disgaurd the lint into that I remove from the dryer. If it’s full I will empty this.

• Do The Dishes

From there, I will go to the kitchen and tackle any dishes in the sink. I like to do the above three tasks first because they are simple and will keep your motivation going. We do have a dish washer but prefer to wash the dishes by hand. For me it’s always been easier that way believe it or not. I let my dishes dry in this space saving dish drainer. It’s perfect because it takes up very little space, especially if you don’t have much counter space to spare.

• Scour The Sink

After the dishes are done and the sink is clear, I sprinkle bar keepers friend and spray all purpose cleaner on top, my choice is Mrs. Myers’s all purpose cleaner, over the cleansing powder with a little bit of dawn dish detergent. Wet sink lightly with hot water and wait about 7-10 minutes. It should be a pasty consistency now so take your scrub daddy while applying some elbow grease and scrub your sink really well. I suggest using a decent pair of dish washing gloves so your hands don’t feel like cardboard afterwards. Take your sink faucet and spray/rinse away the cleanser and dirt. This works amazing, especially if you have a horrible cream colored sink that is prone to staining like I do.

Tip If The Above Does Not Work:

If that doesn’t get your sink clean I have something else you can try that’s most likely guaranteed to work. Pour about 1/2 cup of regular bleach mixed with the hottest water that you can get from your sink. Put the stopper in first and start filling up your sink with water and add the bleach. Fill it 3/4 of the way and turn the faucet off. Let it sit at least an hour and drain. Before you start draining put your gloves on and have your scrub daddy in hand as the water is going down after pulling the stopper scrub your sink really well. Be very careful not to splash yourself because the bleach will stain whatever clothing you have on. I like to soak any scrub brushes, dish towels and sponges in the bleach water before draining. This will sanitize your sponges and rags.

• Wipe Kitchen Counter Tops

After I’m done the dishes and scouring the sink, I will take my Mrs. Myers’s all propose cleaning spray, a microfiber cloth or you can just use a paper towel and spray down all the kitchen counters then wipe very well. This is super important to do daily, especially if you have kids and the season we are in with the ants popping up. If you have a problem with ant, this liquid ant bait is amazing and simple. Best part you put a couple drops on the enclosed cardboard squares and place it somewhere that is not only out of sight, but also where you see ants. I like putting it in the corner of the window sills because I see them around that area a lot. Since placing it there I haven’t saw a ant, and it’s completely odorless.

• Put Laundry Into The Dryer

By now your laundry is most likely ready to go into the dryer. Trust me it’s better to just do it now then forget about it and have to keep rewashing it. I have a lot of experience with this before I started forcing myself to stick with a daily cleaning routine. Make sure to add some dryer sheets before you start the dryer, no one likes when your clothes are staticky.

• Pick Up Living Areas/Playroom

What I like to do is clear off coffee tables, end tables and pick stuff up from the floor. Such as my sons massive Pokémon collection, this is a whole other battle within itself. I make sure I have a place for everything such as phone wires, chrome book chargers, little fidgets and the massive freaking Pokémon explosion every morning. If your in the same boat I bought this really cheap cute case the contains all of his cards, large and small albums. It makes life so much easier having one container I can stow away in one of the cubes in my cubicle with ALL OF HIS POKÉMON COLLECTION. I also like to finish off by grabbing some pledge and a microfiber cloth to clean off the coffee table.

• Vacuum High Traffic Rooms

Usually by the morning rolls around, there are crumbs everywhere from the kids. I have to vacuum multiple times a day, especially around the coffee table, living room, dining room and kitchen. It’s amazing how I can vacuum after they are in bed and this accumulates so quickly. Again with ants, the littlest amount of crumb they are all over it. It’s so important to vacuum daily, maybe twice daily even if your kids like to make huge messes.

• Fold Laundry And Put Laundry Right Away

Last task on my daily cleaning routine is folding or hanging laundry right away, or I’ll never do it. It will just sit in a pile for weeks. First I’ll keep hangers in my laundry room so I can hang my two older boys hoodies and sweatpants. Then I take the rest upstairs to the third floor and fold it on the bed. I make sure to put it right away because if I don’t, my 7 year old will destroy the neatly folded piles of clothes.

These Are The Tasks I Will Either Repeat Or Catch Up On Before Bed.

• Doing The Dishes

Usually the dishes have to be done twice a day, especially with a larger family. Other times the day can be so hectic that I don’t get to them at all. So I either do a second round or do all the dishes from the day before bed. Nothing is more horrible then waking up to a dirty kitchen and sink full of dishes.

• Scour The Sink

I try and scour the sink every time I do the dishes and my sinks empty. But let’s be realistic, there’s many times I don’t have the time. So in that case I just spray my sink really well and wipe it out.

• Wiping The Kitchen Counters

Wiping the kitchen counters goes hand and hand with the dishes I feel. Grab your favorite cleaner and spray and wipe or just use your dish rag. The choice is what’s easiest on you.

• Picking Up The House

I target high traffic areas such as the living room. I’ll vacuum crumbs, windex the coffee table, throw any trash away or take any dishes left out. Then put away pencils from homework, fidgets and Pokémon cards (my son is obsessed with Pokémon Cards, to the point the cards are everywhere) and put everything in their space. I do suggest having a place close by such as bins for little items that get scattered all over throughout the night.

• Taking Out Any Trash

We all know that if you have a larger family that trash is a nightly occurrence. Just put a new bag in right away because you know how kids are. This will prevent nasty stuff from getting stuck to the bottom of your trashcans.

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So there you have it, that was my daily cleaning routine. I found that not only having a cleaning routine in place everyday keeps me consistent, it gives me a huge sense of accomplishment as well after the fact. However the biggest tool in all of this is being consistent in using my Erin Condren Life Planner every morning. I feel by writing down my daily tasks, regardless if they are repetitive, helps keep me on track.

The Erin Condren Life Planner comes in many different layouts, sizes, colors, versions as well as the iconic coiled version and the brand new ring bound choices. If you are interested in purchasing your own Erin Condren Life Planner save 10$ off your purchase here.

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Don’t Forget To Check Out My Free Printable Planner Resource Library Before You Go. This Resource Library is Filled With A Large Variety Of Planner Printables That I Made And Come in Multiple Sizes, Styles And Colors. I Update My Resource Library On A Regular Basis So I Can Keep Adding New Styles.

Make sure to comment your thoughts below on my daily cleaning routine. If you do something different everyday that you feel makes a big impact on your home, I would love to hear about it below. I am always up to changing around my routines to better myself and my home.

I appriciate you taking time out of your day to read my post, I will be enclosing my daily cleaning routine printable below. You can either print this out and punch it into a ring bound planner, add a coil clip to it and snap this daily cleaning routine into your Erin Condren Life Planner, And lastly, if you don’t want to keep reprinting this, laminate it and use a dry or wet erase marker to reuse it over and over weekly.

What did you think of my Daily Cleaning Routine?

Do you have a similar daily cleaning routine in place?

Also, Do You Use A Planner Already?

I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below. Don’t forget to browse though my free planner resource library before you leave. Until next time… have a wonderful day.

Love, Jackie

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