Planning In The Deep

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Daily And Weekly Cleaning Routine Checklist Printable.


This post may contain affiliate links. I never link anything I have never personally use or tried. Thank you for supporting my small blog.  



It’s a daily struggle trying to keep up with keeping my home in order. One thing I found that helps tremendously is writing these tasks down in my planner everyday. This has made me more mindful of what must get done. I think that by sticking to routines, as much as I can that is, makes me realize the type of impact the state of my home has on the state of my mind.  


Most importantly, by incorporating a planner into my life has made such a impact on my motivation and productivity. Planning was the key piece I needed to follow through with a cleaning routine in the first place. Not only will I be explaining my cleaning routines and planning process, there is also a printable routine checklist at the end of this post, just in case you are in need of some inspiration. 



Don’t forget to download your free cleaning routine checklist printable at the end of this post. Start tackling your tasks today.



If this is something you also struggle with, don’t get discouraged. It is possible to establish daily habits, it may be hard at first but as you continue to do them it gets so much easier. Furthermore, being I have anxiety - my brain is always in fight or flight mode. For me the process of writing my daily tasks down and breaking them up helps me to declutter my brain. checking them off when the task is complete that motivates me to stick with these cleaning routines.


PS.. Personally I love the duel tipped Mildliners that I purchased on Amazon for marking off my completed tasks. Definitely give these amazing highlighters a try, I will link the Mildliners Here.





  • Wake up earlier then the kids. Even if it’s just a half hour before, it makes a world of difference. Trust me, I am not a morning person and could never start my day at 5AM.


  • Start a load of laundry. I usually try and throw in a load after the kids leave for school. Also, I try and do a load a day. Sometimes I don’t get one load done and others I may get one load or more.


  • Plan out my day in my Erin Condren Life Planner. When I first wake up I need to be  caffeinated, that’s why I wait till after the kids leave in order to plan my day now my youngest goes to Pre-K 5 half days.

  • Make the beds and pick up the bedrooms. I try to make the beds daily, and after i just pick up the clothes on the floor, trash and bringing dirty laundry to the laundry room. My laundry room is on the main floor where the bedrooms are on the third floor.

  • Laundry Into the dryer. Pretty self explanatory though if you struggle sometimes forgetting, just like myself, set a timer on your phone.


  • Pick up living areas and toys. I do this while my youngest is at preschool in the AM. I try and throw out any trash, pick up toys, wipe any spills and vacuum the rug. I usually cant get this done at night and it looks like a tornado by morning. 


  • Vacuum high traffic areas. This is a daily and weekly task being that usually my living room carpet needs to be vacuumed daily, My kids are animals ! But any other flooring or carpeting throughout the house gets done weekly..

  • Do the dishes and wipe down the counters and sink. Oh how I love the dishes, not. I do try my hardest to keep up daily with them however being that if I let it go even one day, the sink is overflowing.

  • Fold laundry and put away. I do try to do this daily, being honest however this task does not get done often.


  • Bathrooms. clean inside and out, especially around and behind the toilet being i have 3 boys and my husband. Also I wipe the sinks, clean the floor and tub. In the Master Bathroom we have a stall shower so i just clean the walls and bottom, it just is too much work to clean them glass doors every week.


  • Vacuum and Mop floors. This part refers to my hardwood flooring. I use a vacuum first with my Shark Duo then mop with laminate flooring with my Bona Mop.


  • Vacuum bedrooms. I vacuum all four bedrooms and the hallway/steps once a week.


  • Collect trash on Sunday nights. Every Saturday night or Sunday I collect all the bathroom, bedroom and basement trash to take out to the trash. I have 3 stories and 4 bedrooms, 4 baths so trash will accumulate very quickly.


  • Trash to curb on Sunday nights. Monday morning is my trash and recycling day. That is also the reason why I wait till Saturday/Sunday to collect and empty trash. Now kitchen trash is taken out on a daily basis.


  • Change bedding. Sometimes this is more then once a week being I have small kids. Someone always has an accident at night and the bedding must get changed:/


  • Windex and dust. I have a pet peeve about the glass part of my storm door dirty with fingerprints. I am constantly windexing the front glass,  once a week I’ll windex both glass patio sliding doors.

    Now bedroom windows, the front picture window and the bay window in the kitchen is cleaned more on a monthly basis, that is unless someone doesn’t rub dirty hands all over the windows! Lol.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more Planner inspiration.

See this Instagram gallery in the original post

**Disclosure**  This printable was made by me and is for personal use only. If you end up using it make sure to tag me on Instagram @planninginthedeep , I am looking forward to seeing how everyone is using theirs !


Basically, that was a quick rundown of everything on my daily and weekly to do list. As you get consist you will notice these  routines starting to stick. There are other tasks I will do maybe 1-2 times a month, that’s for another post though.

I hope you enjoy the printable.  



Let me know in the comments below how you will be untilizing this checklist, also don’t forget to tag me on Instagram so we can inspire each other ❤️

Lastly don’t forget to Pin this to Pinterest and share for further reference.  


💜 Jackie