The importance of having a cleaning schedule for your home cannot be stressed enough. Cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a home, and if you don’t have a cleaning schedule, it can be easy to forget to do certain tasks or even let things slip. Having a cleaning schedule is a great way to make sure that you are consistently cleaning your home and that nothing gets neglected. It’s also an easy way to keep yourself organized and motivated. Nothing is more satisfying then sitting down in a tidy home.

With a cleaning schedule in place, you can ensure that your home is always looking its best and that you’re keeping up with your daily and weekly cleaning. Creating a cleaning schedule for your home doesn’t have to be a long drawn out list of to-dos. First, you’ll want to decide how often you want to clean. This will depend on a few factors, such as the size of your home, the number of people living there, and whether or not you have kids and/or pets.

Having a larger home and more people living there will likely require more frequent cleaning compared to a smaller home with fewer people. Once you’ve established how often you should be cleaning, you can begin creating your cleaning schedules. Start by writing down all the tasks that need to be completed on a daily and weekly basis onto one list. Then use that list as your reference for what tasks are daily and what are weekly.


Here Are A Few Tasks You Could Include In Your Daily Cleaning Schedule And Weekly Cleaning Schedule. When Making Your Own Cleaning Schedule Be Sure To Add Things Or Take Things Away if Need Be.

Daily Cleaning Schedule Ideas

➊Making The Beds

This is self explanatory and literally takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Something about making the beds not only pulls a room together but also makes you want to keep going. I always start off my morning routine with making the beds.

➋Tidying Up The Bedrooms.

After making the beds, I will pick up any dirty laundry or trash lying around. I will wipe anything sticky or dirty and just give the bedrooms a quick tidy up.

➌Doing The Dishes.

Dirty dishes is something that gives me major anxiety but also at the same time is a daunting task. All though throughout the years I have been making myself do any dirty dishes that are sitting in the sink before I go to bed. Sometimes I load them in the dishwasher other times I hand wash them. But if you force yourself long enough it will become second nature. Trust me I’ve always struggled with the dishes, if I can do them anyone can.

➍Wiping Down The Kitchen CounterTops.

After the dishes are done use some all purpose spray and a paper towel and wipe your kitchen counters and oven down. If my oven is really dirty, I will turn the burners on for 30 seconds (I have an electric flat top stove) then turn them off. I use the power paste with the scrub daddy wipe the stovetop is warm and scrub any stuck on build up away.

➎Taking Out Any Kitchen Trash That Is Full.

If your kitchen trash is over flowing just replace the bag and take the full bag to the trash can. This is simple and so overlooked. I know I overlooked this a whole lot. It takes minutes and it’s worth it in the long run.

➏Tiding Up High Traffic Areas.

Usually I try and do this twice a day, most importantly before I go to bed. Nothing is better than waking up to no dirty dishes, garbage and a ransacked house. I try to throw any trash away, pick anything up and put it away if it’s lying around and pick up any dirty socks or laundry. If any blankets are lying around I will put them in the basket I keep the throw blankets and give the floors a quick sweep or vacuum.

➐One Full Load Of Laundry From Start to Finish.

After making the beds and tidying the bedrooms up, I take any laundry from the third floor and take it to the laundry room. I try to do one full load a laundry a day. From washing to drying, folding and putting laundry away. I try to fold directly from the dryer so I don’t have wrinkled clothes.

➑Be Mindful That The Dishes Are Done, Countertop’s Are Wiped Down And The House Is Tidied Up Before Going To Bed Nightly.

I feel at least, this is the most important task to do nightly, even if this is all you do in a day. Nothing is worse than waking up with a kitchen full of dishes, trash overflowing, counters dirty and the house in chaos. If you only pick one thing from this list try to implement this into your daily routine. You and your family will be so much more at peace waking up in the morning.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule Ideas

➊Vacuum The Carpet And Hard Flooring.

I myself tend to do this more then weekly being I have 4 kids and a whole lot of traffic throughout my home. Like I said you can adjust this list accordingly and add or either take away tasks listed.

➋Dusting or Wiping Any Tables Around Your Home.

Go around your home and dust all wood table tops ext. Any dusting needed to be done in other areas listed below can be added to the day you do that room or area.

➌Mopping Any Hard Floors.

Again, I tend to do this also more than once a week. Just adjust this to your family size and whether or not this needs to be done either daily, two times a week or weekly.

➍Cleaning The Bathrooms

Deep cleaning your bathrooms weekly will make getting a shower so much more enjoyable. Especially if you have boys such as myself. My bathrooms always smell like pee regardless. Ugh. If you have multiple bathrooms you may want to break this task up into different days. I do suggest starting with the busiest bathroom such as the one with the shower/tub.

Tasks such as the toilets, the bathtub and shower walls, bathroom sinks, emptying the trash, windex any mirrors or glass and throwing out any empty shampoo-conditioner-body wash bottles. I also try to wash the rugs and toilet seat covers that same day. Lastly vacuum and mop the floor and make sure you also scrub around the base of your toilet, the crevices under the toilet, lifting up the toilet seat caps where your toilet seat screws into, as well as the mopping the wall behind the toilet. You wouldn’t believe the amount of pee that builds up so quickly, especially if you have boys such as myself.

I use this rechargeable scrub brush for most of my bathroom, especially the hard to reach areas that you do not want to get behind. It comes with 4 different size scrubbing heads and hold a charge for weeks. The best part is you can add the handle to make it longer like a mop or take that off and make it hand held. This little scrubber is a life saver.

➎Doing Laundry-Catch Up

Wash, fold and put away any laundry you didn’t get to throughout the week.

➏Deep Cleaning The Bedrooms

I’m not sure if all I’m about to list I do weekly, but I do like to go into my boys room and open the windows, clean off the tables and dust dressers and their gaming desks, vacuum, windex windows and wipe down window sills, quickly mop their walls, organize a bit, make sure clothes are away and trash is out. Lastly, clean the ceiling fans (though I do the ceiling fans monthly)

➐Changing All The Bedding On The Beds

Take all the bedding off weekly and change it. I got two teenager boys so this needs to be done.. seriously or their room smells like a locker room. I also spray some fabric refresher spray after I replace the bedding.

➑Washing Bedding

I usually have a back up set of sheets for when I change bedding. Regardless I still wash the dirty bedding on the beds right away. If you do not have an extra set just wash and dry the dirty bedding and replace once the bedding is dry. If you have small children who have accidents, Amazon has these amazing square absorbent cloth squares that are washable and protect the mattress better then using just a mattress protector alone.

➒Organize One Area Of Your Home

I’ve learned that if you go room to room and make a list of everything that needs to be organized, then break the room down into small tasks it does make it so much easier to actually accomplish. Try weekly to pick an area of your home that needs organization. If it’s a whole room break it down into sections so you do not get overwhelmed and give up.

Even if it’s only a drawer, junk mail or linen closet. Make sure you go room by room a first make a list breaking each room down into one task a week. Or you could even organize one thing a day but don’t overwhelm yourself, do whatever works the best for your life and schedule. I know first hand how huge of a difference this makes in your home.